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The Benefits of a Distance Calculator


A distance calculator is a calculating tool which computes the distance between locations of cities or places on the map. To use it, all you have to do is write the origin of where you are located and the name of the destination city which you plan to go to then choose the distance unit you prefer and press calculate. Most often, when you start to key in the name of a city or place, the distance calculator will provide automatically suggest place names, so it would be easier to just click them to calculate the distance. Should there be the presence of the red and blue color, the red indicates the flying distance, while the blue indicates the driving distance and calculated either in kilometers or miles. Also, the label Start Location refers to the starting point of route, which is the origin city where you are, and the End Location refers to the end point of route or the destination city. The unit of distance can be in kilometers, miles or meters and the calculator can easily convert into the selected distance unit. Miles may not be often used but if you want to convert it to kilometers, it is equivalent to 1.60934 kilometers. Usually, kilometers are more popularly used since most of the distances on land are measured using units in kilometers. With distance calculators, all these unit conversions are quickly resolved. This is especially useful when figuring out the distance between Miami and Micco


Because maps can be difficult to use and complicated when planning your travel, the advance online technology which is through distance calculator has provided a more exact estimate of your travel distance. With distance calculator, you have these features: you can see your directions online, such that a street map can be seen if you zoom in close enough and even between two street names across the world, you can have an estimated distance of travel. Depending on the design, some distance calculators are able to give information about locations and distances, which can be very helpful if you want to have options as to which distance can be the shortest to travel to between two places. With this bank of information, you can also estimate how much cost will you need to spend on your travel according to the given routes which you have keyed in. And this can be applied, too, in situations where you are transferring into a new home, which is beneficial in the sense that you are able to get an estimate cost of how much you will spend to pay the movers. Go here for more info

Learn how to calculate distance between cities by air at


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